MesoGold Facial

Mesogold Facial

Achieve a radiant, plump, and healthy complexion with this innovative micro-channel technology from France. Utilizing gold-plated medical needles it combines the benefits of collagen induction therapy (CIT), skin cell stimulation and regeneration, and the infusion of customized cocktails into the skin. These medical solutions can include, but are not limited to hyaluronic acid, vitamins, antioxidants, growth factors and brightening agents. This treatment is designed for skin that has lost its luminosity, firmness, and is beginning to look hollow, dehydrated, uneven in tone, texture and colour.


  • Plump and hydrated skin

  • Healthy glow with softened lines

  • More homogenous, smoother skin texture with improved pore size

  • Improved superficial acne scars, stretch marks 

  • Enhanced RF and laser treatment results via customized micro-serums

  • Lightened dark under eye circles

  • Brighter skin, improved pigmentation via micro-pigment reducers 

Micro-Botox Treatment

Because “Micro-Botox” uses a more diluted version of Botox or Dysport, it is often used to treat minor skin imperfections and fine lines that Botox can’t always treat. This treatment involves creating temporary micro-channels via skin needling and infusing the diluted neurotoxin coupled with personalized mix of vitamins + nutrients into the intra dermal layer, above the muscle to affect the appearance of the skin itself. It will not affect facial movement or impact deep expression lines however it has many other benefits.


  • smoother, radiant complexion

  • reduction in oil production, mattify skin

  • smaller pores

  • improvement in acne because sweat and oil glands are affected by the neurotoxin, hence no excess oil can block pores and hair follicles, leading to breakouts

  • decreased redness by constricting blood vessels (vasoconstriction), improvement in rosacea and broken vessels

The treatment uses smaller amounts of Botox or Dysport, resulting in a more natural-looking line reduction. Many people avoid Botox injections because it can sometimes limit muscle movement, temporarily “freezing” their facial expressions, but this can be avoided completely as Micro-Botox does not affect the major facial muscles. It’s an attractive treatment alternative for those who want to keep the first signs of aging at bay. The results tend to kick in fairly quickly, making this treatment perfect before events.

Ready to book?

Mesogold Facial

Treatments below offered as individual treatment prices or a package of 3 treatments for a 20% discount.


Package: $840
Single Treatment: $350

Face & Neck

Package: $960
Single Treatment: $400

Face, Neck, & Chest

Package: $1,080
Single Treatment: $450


Micro-Botox Treatment

Package: $1,350
Single Treatment: $450

Book a consultation, feel like yourself again.